Responding to Fareed Zakaria's Pop-agandist Tweet-Bait, ‘The Capitalist Manifesto’:

Responding to Fareed Zakaria's Silly, Pop-agandist Tweet-Bait, The Capitalist Manifesto:

The Rich don't want want capitalism. Capitalism would mean their collapse. The rich want fascism, they will call thier system capitalism if it's politically expedient, they will call it socialism if the occasion calls for it, heck they will even call it communism if the circumstances warrant it. It is none of these things but fascism. They are paradigm pirates.

Also note his picture was taken at a CFR event. There has never existed a circle of more murderers and thieves in the world than the council on foreign relations. Before I became politically aware I had the oppurtunity to meet many of the vile creatures that work there. It would chill your blood if you knew how those people really thought.

Reply Posted 02:23 AM on 06/14/2009
Reply Posted 03:44 AM on 06/14/2009

Pretty much everyone who works national security/ foreign relations works there as a fellow, including candidates on both sides of the aisle (I know at least Clinton and Gates were fellows, I don't know about Obama though I'd imagine as President he must've been and if not he is now). This is an indict at the political system as a whole.

Reply Posted 02:40 AM on 06/14/2009

Correct the CFR is the man behind the curtain. It worries me that have become so visible of late. They used to take some care to hide themselves from the public. Now you can catch them having press releases on c-span.

Reply Posted 02:52 AM on 06/14/2009

The Power of Information has flushed out all the creeps into the open as their cover as been removed!

Reply Posted 03:20 AM on 06/14/2009

Usually cockroaches scatter in light, however this particular species seems to have adapted. They even had an article on thier site about why nations need to give up thier soveriegnity to fight global warming and global terrorism. Talk about showing your cards.


For comparison (and consequent shits & giggles) here is a link to the ‘real’ capitalist ‘manifesto’:

"Human Action"


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